COASTAL SWAP MEET 2025 Cancelled…forever?
This message is being sent to all 2024 Coastal Swap Meet vendors who mayhave wanted to return for the 2025 meetFor a number of reasons the Coastal Swap Meet Committee made, at itsAnnual general meeting held on September 29, 2024, the difficultdecision to cancel...
What is the Specialty Vehicle Association of BC (SVABC)
Welcome to the Specialty Vehicle Association of BC (SVABC)What is the Specialty Vehicle Association of BC? SVABC is not a Car Club it is an Action group We are an Association of like-minded people dedicated to thepreservation and promotion of the Collector Vehicle...
No Ethanol MP Letter copy
Our fellow vehicle enthusiast, Kim’s hope was that by sharing, it would inspire more enthusiasts to e mail their MP. It does make a difference by raising awareness and the more e mail the higher the volume. Bob Kelly Dear Mr. Albas As an active automotive...
This is a Federal Government issue; therefore, the only option we have for change is support from your local MP.
We are reaching out to you for support by way of writing your MP.
This is a non-partisan issue, so party affiliation is not a factor.
The Specialty Vehicle Association of BC (SVABC) has a provincial mandate; however, we fully support the contact your MP initiative.
Please e mail your MP using the draft below in blue, of course you can compose your own statement.
This link takes you to the contact information for all of the local Members of Parliament – Click on the member you want to write to and the contact info will come up.
Dear MP ……….
We have lost our ability to have pure gasoline available to us in Canada. Ethanol is now mandated in all grades of fuel in Canada.
The NAACC, the organization tasked with representing the hobby at the Federal Level, has contacted the Federal Government to ask that they allow Chevron 94 and Shell 91 to remain ethanol-free or, at the very least, have a one percent addition for compliance requirements.
As collector vehicle owners, we are aware that ethanol fuel destroys fuel tanks, rubber fuel components, carburetor, and mechanical fuel pumps in older non fuel injected vehicles.
The process is accelerated if the vehicle is not driven frequently.
You should know that ‘phase separation’ of fuel is a serious issue.
There are cases where the carburetor fuel bowl has corroded through, resulting in fuel spilling onto the top of the engine.
(which resulted in a fire)
I am asking for your support of our request for a change back as stated above.
Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards
NOTE < This does not include many other sectors and equipment such as; ethanol in the fuel for small engines , outboards, chainsaws, farm equipment, construction tools, etc., etc. This is an important issue!
Greater Vancouver Motor Sports Hall of Fame
From all of us at the Specialty Vehicle Association of BC (SVABC), congratulations to all, your vehicles are certainly a positive statement of your talent and dedication to the hobby. Cliff You have turned a pile of steel into a magnificent ride many times, with the...
Collector Vehicle Estate Planning —
Collector Vehicle Application process Improvements to July 20, 2023 We've streamlined the Collector Vehicle Application process to make it easier to include family members for estate planning purposes. New improvements to the Collector Vehicle Application process...
SVABC AGM Highlights 2023
What we Learned at the SVABC AGM SVABC Annual General Meeting April 01,2023 Location: Langley BC. Secretary: Tom Whitfin Kurt Penner gave a short talk on Jellybean Auto Crafters and how they see the Collector program going forward with electric cars. Love of the...
HHRR Aug Dennis Gage Showing
Subject: Historic Hot Rod Reunion of BC My Classic Car TV Show and Open House Hello, On February 19th we will be having an Open House at our shop and showing the episode of the Historic Hot Rod Reunion of BC, My Classic Car TV Show that was filmed at Mission...